Corporate bodies’ role in women leadership sought


Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Executive Committee Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury on Saturday said the corporate bodies need to work together with governments in promoting women leadership in all sectors. “The private and corporate bodies will have to work collectively with the government in development of the women leadership in all sectors, including socio-economy and politics ensuring the gender equity,” Dr Shirin said.
She was addressing the 2nd World Women Leadership Congress and Award (WWLCA)-2015 that began on Saturday in Mumbai, India. Dr Shirin, also the Speaker of Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad (JS), received the Women Leadership Achievement Award in the two-day congress, said a Parliament Secretariat release. The CPA chairperson, at a session titled ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’, said the women will have to be involved in the mainstream to remove all the obstacles towards women leadership in socio-economy, politics and all other sectors.
