Coronavirus suspected cases on the rise in India


At least three new suspected cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in India within a day, adding to the growing fear of coronavirus outbreak.
In Bihar’s Chapra area authorities identified a suspected case of coronavirus, reports India Today.
A girl, who recently visited China, returned to Bihar with symptoms similar to those affected by coronavirus.
The girl was being rushed to the Patna Medical College and Hospital for further tests to see if she has been infected by coronavirus, superintendent of PMCH Vimal Karak was quoted by India Today.
In Kolkata, another suspected case is being assessed, according to Zee News.
A Chinese citizen who has been travelling for the past six months reached Kolkata in India on January 24. She was admitted to Apollo Hospitals on suspicion of being affected by coronavirus and has since been shifted to Belaghata Hospital, reports Zee News.
In Mumbai, a 36-year-old man has been admitted in the isolation ward of a civic-run hospital on suspicion of possible exposure to coronavirus, officials said today according to India Today.
This is the fourth such incident in Mumbai. Three people were admitted to hospitals for possible exposure to the virus strain, after screening of passengers was done at the Mumbai international airport.
All three were hospitalised as precaution, officials had said on January 25.

Source: India today
