Coronavirus has no link with temperature: IEDCR

Staff Reporter :
The Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) asked the people to take cautionary measures to be safe from infection of coronavirus.
“There is no connection between coronavirus and temperature of weather. Many people are thinking that the virus would be eliminated naturally after increasing temperature after the winter. But it is not proved. So, people should be aware and have to take adequate cautionary measures to be safe,” said, Dr. Meerjady Sabrina Flora, the Director of the IEDCR in a briefing in her office in the capital.
The IEDCR Director said that the virus infected people in the countries which have high temperature. It is true that the virus cannot survive in the temperature of 70 degree Celsius. But no any country has so high temperature, she added.
Dr. Flora said the covid-19 virus situation is going worst day by day across the world.
Even there is no rely on vaccines. In these situation, the government stressed on to protection of the diseases.
She said following neighbouring India’s Kerala situation, the government has taken various protection measures in land ports.
Apart from these, the airports have started hand driven scanners besides the thermal scanners.
The Director said that two Bangladeshi expatriates have recovered from coronavirus and returned home from Singapore. Besides, three other infected citizens of our country staying unchanged in Singapore’s hospital.