Corona death rate high among 60 plus people

Elderly people among others wait outside a corona testing facility in the capital's Mugda General Hospital on Wednesday amid rising Covid-19 deaths in the age groups above 60.
Elderly people among others wait outside a corona testing facility in the capital's Mugda General Hospital on Wednesday amid rising Covid-19 deaths in the age groups above 60.

Staff Reporter :
The Director General of Health Services (DGHS) said that although people of all age are dying with covid-19 but the death rate in Bangladesh high among the above sixty aged people.
Dr Nasima Sultana, Additional Director General (administration) of the DGHS said until the last record of death it has been seen that the aged people death rate is high and it is 43.27 per cent.
The other death rates are: age limit 51 to 60 where death rate is 28.51 per cent, death rate is 14.99 per cent for age limit 41 to 50, the death rate gradually reducing for lower age limit and 7.62 per cent for age limit 31 to 40. Another 3.49 percent death rate is for age limit 21 to 30, second lowest death rate 1.16 percent for the age limit 11 to 20 and under 10 year age limit death rate is 0.63 percent.
All of them had died in hospitals.
The death toll from Covid-19 now stands at 1,888 with the death of 41 more people in the last 24 hours.
Besides, according to Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) the 50 per cent infected with covid-19 in Bangladesh are the age limit with 21 to 40.
IEDCR’s chief of Virology Department Professor Tahmina Shirin said, the infection of the younger have made more pressure to the covid-19 testing system.
Coronavirus cases in Bangladesh rose to 1,49,258.
Dr Nasima also said, among the deceased, 38 were male and three female. Of them, 13 were from Dhaka, 17 from Chattogram, five from Khulna, three from Barishal, one from Rangpur and two from Sylhet divisions.
Of the deceased, four were between 31-40 years old, five within 41-50, 12 between 51-60, 11 between 61-70, seven within 71-80, one between 81-90 and another was 100 years old.
The fatality rates are high in Dhaka and Chattogram divisions.
As the coronavirus situation continues to worsen, the global death toll from the virus infection stood at 509,779 on Wednesday morning while the confirmed cases crossed 10,434,835, according to the Centre for System Science and Engineering of the Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
