Cops suffering from image crisis in S-W region


Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
Due to repeated offences, occurred in recent times by police, particularly by the members of Detective Branch (DB), Policemen are suffering from acute “Image Crisis” in south-western region of the country.
Sources said, Like other parts of the Republic, policemen, particularly the members of Detective Branch (DB) are still harassing the common innocent people of south-western region of the country.
In spite of fact that the police Boss IGP Dr. Md. Zabed Patwary and DMP Boss Md. Asaduzzaman Mia recently told before the journalists that stern action would be taken against those law enforcers who harass the common innocent people, but some dishonest and disloyal policemen of different police stations and members of detective branch (DB) of different districts and also DB personnel of KMP and BMP have been harassing the common innocent people and pedestrians in different ways without any hesitation.
Local people and eye-witnesses alleged that on June 8, 2018(On Friday) at around 2.45 pm, SI Babul, a Sub-Inspector of Horintana police station under Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) in Khulna city arrested one Shamsu Mia resident of South Pabla area under Daulatpur police station who is a marked drug-peddler . At the same time SI Babul recovered 99 (Ninety Nine) bottles Indian contraband Phensedyl from a bag kept in the hand of Shamsu from Zero-point Police Check-post area under Horintana police station. However, SI Babul in collaboration with the Officer-in-charge (OC) Nasim Khan allegedly took Taka 30 thousand and disappeared 99 bottles of seized Phensedyl . This OC Nasim Khan is a controversial person because a case was filed in a Khulna Court against him ten other policemen on charge of gouging out both eyes of One Shahjalal while Nasim Khan was OC in Khalishpur police station in the city. The case is still pending and the learned court directed to investigate the matter to Deputy Police Commissioner of Detective Branch (DC, DB) of Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP). However, despite several attempts, this correspondent could not contact OC Nasim Khan and SI Babul for the query of the matter of phensedlys and realization of taka 30 thousand.
A day-laborer is compelled to flee away from his residence at Daulatpur area in Khulna city even after leaving his mother in fear of harassment by SI Chinmoy Das of Daulatpur police station under Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) who has close relation with a broker and also the so-called police source named Abdul Gaffar, locally known as “Thief Gaffar”. This Gaffar has previous enmity with that day-laborer and as such with a view to give a good lesson, Gaffar demanded Taka 10 thousand to that day-laborer tempting to save him from the harassment by SI Chinmoy, alleged the day-laborer.
A few days ago, during the period of OC Anwar Hossain of Daulatpur police station under KMP, an SI harassed two relatives of an Army Officer at Daulatpur Kulibagan area, the said SI demanded extortion to the two students. Being informed, the army officer rushed the spot , but the SI refuted the allegation, released the students and apologized to the army officer.
Members of Detective Branch of Khulna Metropolitan Police (DB, KMP) and also Khulna district DB men have been harassing the common innocent people as usual.
Additional Deputy Commissioner of Detective Branch of KMP (ADC, DB, KMP) Akunjee Mohammad Kamrul Islam (AM Kamrul Islam) can not control his subordinates and as such the DB Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors, Assistant Sub-Inspectors and even the DB Constables are becoming more ferocious who have been harassing the common people without any hesitation and obstruction, victimized sources alleged. The common harassed persons dare not open their mouth or complain anywhere in fear of involvement of false cases and rude misbehavior by the law enforcers.
Assistant Commissioner of KMP’s DB Bhaskor Saha never conduct any operation but he only comes to the office, gives several advices to ADC, DB, reads Newspapers and there after returns to his residence, sources alleged. However, continuous police harassment are making the common people furious and they can not move freely and even they are being obstructed to continue their works for the livelihoods for maintaining their families due to police harassments which are illegal, unlawful, in operative of law and is of no legal effect and also against the natural justice.
ACC filed a case against a CID official named Subhash Chandra Saha, former Faridpur SP and his wife for his alleged amassment of Taka 8.36 crore illegally.
A person was killed in police custody at Nachol in Chapainawabganj. An allegation was brought against four Sub-Inspectors of Monirampur police station of Jessore district. Four policemen were sued in Satkhira district on charge of killing a Madrasa Superintendent as he failed to meet the demanded extortion allegedly by the said four policemen. 11 policemen including OC Nasim Khan of Khalishpur police station in Khulna city under KMP were sued on charge of gouging out of both the eyes of an youth.
However, the New Nation had published a report at page 10 (National Page) on October 11, 2017 regarding the crime situation of Khulna where the cops’ repressions were stated elaborately.
Recently, a woman arranged a Press Conference at Satkhira Press Club while she alleged that her husband was killed in a so-called gunfight (Crossfire) with police on charge of his involvement in drug peddling, but the deceased was never involved in drug trading, said the wife of that person during the Press Conference.
Policemen are allegedly arresting the innocent persons by putting drugs into the pockets of the pedestrians and innocent persons and in this way some dishonest policemen have been committing arrest business instead of arresting the culprits, it is alleged.
Recently, a small shopkeeper of Daulatpur South Pabla area protested the drug trading and for this reason the accomplices of the marked drug peddlers beat him mercilessly more than once for which he was injured. The victim small shopkeeper had complained regarding this matter with Daulatpur police station under Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP), but no action was taken against the criminals, the small shopkeeper alleged.
Besides, policemen of different police stations harass the innocent persons allegedly taking fake warrants or warrants even in the names of dead persons.
