Cops foil DU students’ bid to march towards EC

Police thwart Dhaka University students at Shahbagh intersection during their march towards Election Commission programme on Wednesday demanding deferment of Dhaka north and south city corporation elections scheduled for January 30 as it coincides with Sa
Police thwart Dhaka University students at Shahbagh intersection during their march towards Election Commission programme on Wednesday demanding deferment of Dhaka north and south city corporation elections scheduled for January 30 as it coincides with Sa
UNB, Dhaka :
Police obstructed a group of Dhaka University students on Wednesday afternoon when they tried to march towards the Election Commission demanding deferment of the polls to the two Dhaka city corporations billed for January 30.
The students gathered in front of Raju sculpture at 1 pm and staged demonstrations carrying placards.
When the students started to march towards the Election Commission office at 1:30 pm as per their previously declared programmes, police obstructed them at Shahbagh intersection.