Cops firm to maintain public security: DMP

Staff Reporter :
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia on Monday said police are committed to maintain law and order as well as ensure public security at any cost.
The cop members are trying to serve the people door to door defying all barriers considering the interest of the city dwellers, the commissioner said while speaking as the chief guest a debate tilted ‘the role of youths to make crime-free society’ at DMP Media Center on Monday.
He added: “The DMP will also take action against notorious people and unscrupulous police personnel who are involved with the public sufferings.”
“About 287 bit police units have been launched under the 49 police stations to build up relations with the city dwellers. The police men will go door to door to provide services to the people,” the commissioner said.
The DMP will investigate at least 400 allegations against the cops’ abuse of power to harass the people, he said. However, he mentioned that the level of public harassment by the police has decreased, he said.
Police serve more than two crore city dwellers by taking challenges during rainfall, flood and other natural calamities, the DMP chief said.
He commented that the widespread public awareness and ongoing drives against drugs can be effective to save the youths.
“We have already launched a programme to collect information about landlords and tenants to check militancy and others crimes,” he said.
When asked, he said the city will come under CCTV to detect the criminals in an easy way.