Cops clash with BNP men in city

Staff Reporter :
Police charged batons, lobbed off tear shells and fired several rounds of rubber bullets on BNP leaders and activists when they tried to gather near the Matsya Bhaban intersection in the city on Thursday morning.
At least nine activists of BNP were injured during the clash.
As BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia was scheduled to go to a special
court at Bakshi Bazar for hearing on the Zia Charitable Trust graft case and the Zia Orphanage case against her in the city yesterday, the leaders and the workers gathered on the both sides of road from Kakrail Mosque to Matsya Bhaban.
Being intercepted the BNP activists pelted the stones at law enforcers. Then the cops swooped on them and started clubbing. The clash then spread to other adjacent areas.
The BNP activists put up barricade also on the road. At one stage, police started lobbing tear gas and firing several rounds of rubber bullets to disperse the activists.
When contacted, Maruf Hossain, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Ramna Zone) said police just tried to disperse the gathering as the BNP activists occupying roads were staging demonstration during office hour.
“Police also detained some activists from the spot. However, the law enforcers brought the situation under control,” he said.