Impact of Climate Change: Coordination among the affected countries is important

Md Atikur Rahman :
Today, the richness of the rich in the globalization of capital is more stable than the poorest countries. They exploit the countries of the capital and use them as much as they please. They always try more to gain their advantage. They waste the atmosphere for burning their energy for their own needs. They do not hesitate to destroy the poorer countries in their interest. The natural resources that are meant to be our friends are destroying them indiscriminately for their needs. As a result, they do not really improve the environment, but rather suffer suffering and disaster. Even though they have created a small amount of money for countries like us because of their weather-related losses, they tied us up with small micro credit loans. They have set up many rules and excuses for the amount of money they can pay as much as possible in the affected cities. Their excess indifference in the case of low-participation and non-neglected industrialized countries, and the risks of damaged countries, demonstrates their indifference. Which is not desirable for the developed countries? Therefore, it is necessary to make quick adjustment among the affected countries like Bangladesh in order to claim fair demand for compensation.
We all know that Bangladesh is a natural disaster country. Bangladesh is one of the other disaster countries in the world. Natural disasters are now a familiar scenario in this country due to geographical conditions and climate change. Due to the intensity of natural calamities, the loss of erosion and the magnitude of it, our country has now become known as a global disaster. We have already started getting the benefits of the developed countries. We have already started getting affected due to natural calamities such as Aila, Sidr, Nargis, earthquakes, landslides, frequent floods, droughts etc., in the short term.
As a result of climate change, land and aquatic biodiversity worldwide are being severely damaged. Negative impact is on different environments. Changes in weather-related crops will result in disasters, forest resources will be inadequate. In our rainy areas like our country, about 50 per cent of crop damage will stand. Meteorologists are optimistic about the changes in the weather, and the environment, which is polluted with the weather and in the last century, the temperature of the earth increased by 0.74 degrees Celsius.
According to the meteorologists, this increase significantly increases as it seems to the general population like us. According to them, if temperatures rise in such a way, sea level rise will rise to 153cm in 2050 and reach 460 centimeters in 2100. There will be many changes in this, almost 25 per cent of the animal and plant world will be lost, the mammals will count for the winding down, will be flooded in coastal cities, ports, villages. Earth’s lower latitudes will occur in the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth, drought, heat wave and drought.
 This change of the weather is global, but in poor countries like Bangladesh, its consequences will be much higher. Different weather scientists are now concerned about the future of Bangladesh, the people of Bangladesh living in one of the lowest areas of the world. If the height of sea level increases in the world’s growing heights, by 2050, 20 per cent of the country’s area will be flooded and sinking. Millions of people will be the environment refugees.
Damage to crops, increase food and disease, development will be obstructed, development activities Meteorologists believe that changes in our country can occur due to climate change, such as flood damage, river erosion, increased salinity in water, sudden flood, drought prone, sea storm and bore, river erosion and estuarine breakdown and soil structure. Keeping in mind this kind of disaster, we all have to be ready to deal with it right now. To prevent this terrible catastrophe, we should not be sitting in the house; it will have to create a one-stop movement for the resistance.
 Because of this type of danger everyone will be in debt irrespective of rich and poor. Therefore, the government has to take specific steps now to prevent this. In the weather-related problems, there should be a high level monitoring committee comprising representatives of the experts and social organizations, including the city authorities, the people of the highest level must be more aware of the weather harassment, use ozone-friendly gas, withdraw CFC gas use, save fuel, radio-television or other electronic entertainment media If you do not listen or do not have to stop it, the electric lamp, fan, air conditioner will be completely unnecessarily closed, mobile phone chargers, computer usage can not be used excessively and should be completely closed after use, the temperature of the refrigerator can be 20 to 22 degrees centigrade The people should keep their own fields in the use of unnecessary water, gas can not be used more, etc. Be aware.
 It is not possible for all of us to deal with the problem of climate change alone. People need to be more aware of the poisonous atmosphere surrounding the environment due to their little negligence. Conscious and unemployed young people will be engaged in environmentally friendly work as well as ensuring that they will be able to cope with natural disasters. To prevent the disaster, camps will be developed in each area. Build strong disaster management structures. People will be made aware by organizing seminars, symposiums, video shows, cleanliness drive workshops, as well as filming on various topics related to natural disaster and climate related issues. Electronics and print media have to broadcast and publish various types of programs of environment-friendly programs. To address environmental issues and to prevent disaster, there should be an understanding of the various textbooks in different classes. Each student will be encouraged to work in environment-friendly work for a week, but as a practical class, they have to engage in various environmental conservation activities and will have to provide numbers for this work as other subjects, which will give students greater enthusiasm for such work in the hope of achieving good numbers. The educated young people must come forward to increase public awareness. It is possible to present the picture to the people of this country by various types of horror, to prevent them to be more aware and ready to face the disaster, it will be possible to gift this country as a beautiful living country to the new generation.
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