Cooperative movement in socio – economic development


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Cooperative is a kind of social enterprise, which is defined as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. Though there are very little specification and justification about what a social enterprise is, it is recognized that social enterprises are intended at the social benefit rather than profitability in numerical values. Over the years, cooperative enterprises have successfully operated locally owned businesses while also served as a catalyst for social organization and cohesion. With their concern for their members and communities, they represent a model of economic enterprise that places high regard for democratic and human values and respect for the environment. As the world today faces unstable financial systems, increased insecurity of food supply, growing inequality worldwide, rapid climate change and increased environmental degradation, it is increasingly compelling to consider the model of economic. Bangladesh observes National Cooperative Day on the1st Saturday in the month of November every year. This year, the day is going to be observed with an idea to augment and facilitate the socio-economic development of future Bangladesh and fulfilling the SDG`s by 2030.
There are youths in our country who have been given the technical and vocational training from Bangladesh Ansar VDP and co-operative departments. In society, they are somehow managing their family and living hand to mouth. If these people are given the incentives and bank loans are sanctioned to run small business or SME activities, the situation will be changed. With these if our marginal farmers are given subsidies for seeds, fertilizer, they will be able to give better output. In many cases, agricultural loan without interest may be granted. All these scheme and project must run on co-operative concept. If co-operative management is ensured and group wise responsibility is given, production will increase and supply-demand flow will be visible. There will be no deficiency of food, vegetables, milk, bread or butter only management will matter. If there is a drive from government, it will bring a positive impact. Where there is a smooth management the investors will be able to produce more which will fulfill the market demand. In this regard, the management and co-operatives function may be performed by some departments. We can mention Bangladesh Ansar VDP co-operative livestock, fishery, BSIC, agriculture as a good role-playing body or organization in frontline. Local administration and local government and may be given the responsibility to administer, monitor or supervise. Other departments will organize and mobilize the program
The government should take pragmatic steps to form a separate cooperative commission with a view to re-launching inactive cooperative societies and reducing corruption and mismanagement of organisations. Some experts in the sector say the cooperatives worldwide now face a new challenge due to aggressive role of corporate globaliation. In this circumstance, there is no alternative to being united and joining the new movement for cooperative in a bid to build a poverty-free, discrimination-free harmonious world. All farmers and labors including small entrepreneurs will be united under the umbrella of cooperative to face the aggregation of corporate globalization. It is necessary to urge the respective government to perform all the development activities through the Public-Cooperative-Partnership (PCP). It is also essential to call the respective government to enact cooperative-friendly laws including a provision that will help the cooperative societies increase cooperation with the cooperative societies of other countries. Make an appeal to the respective government to create a social fund for the development of cooperative sector.
Many factors are affecting it. Today, the multinational companies, NGOs had negative impact on the existing Co-operative societies. Moreover, this sector is given less attention from top echelon of its management. Besides, there were mismanagements, mistrusts, irregularities to control its mechanism. Above all, there is the leadership problem to handle it properly. We all know that the prime role of Bangladesh Ansar VDP is to ensure the socio-economic condition and public security. Govt. was very cordial to organize rural co-operatives by Ansar VDP volunteers. In the decade of 1980’s Ansar organization took a very challenging initiative to organize co-operative in their own way in co-ordination with co-operative Department. With this end in view Bangladesh Ansar VDP could launch a massive program of local societies with their volunteers. At that time as many as 10 thousand club and societies flourished in the country. The clubs and societies became the centre of rural development under the banner of co-operative ideas. Many projects were undertaken to fulfill the goal of marginal people living in the villages. At present those projects are nonfunctioning. They are dead projects now. No accountability, responsibilities and transparency is seen in this sector. The interested group of the society has badly influenced to stop the project activities and deadlock situation has been created with a bad intention to hinder the progress.
In conclusion, it can be said that employment generation and poverty alleviation need to be focused to build up a self-reliant Bangladesh through the cooperatives movement. So, building up an honest and skilled administration is necessary in every cooperative to achieve desired results. The government should take proper initiatives in a bid to increase public-cooperative partnership in different development activities and enacting laws to boost the country’s cooperative sector.

(Dr. Forqan is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP).
