Cooperative microcredit making people self-reliant in Rangpur Asrayan Project

RANGPUR:A view of Government's cooperative micro-credit programmes at Purbo Kochua -1 Asrayan Project under Gangachara Upazila in the district. Photo
RANGPUR:A view of Government's cooperative micro-credit programmes at Purbo Kochua -1 Asrayan Project under Gangachara Upazila in the district. Photo

Mamun Islam, BSS, Rangpur :The cooperative microcredit programme has become effective in bringing self-reliance to the dwellers at Purbo Kochua-1 Asrayan Prokalpo in Nohali union under Gangachara upazila here setting up a glaring example.Side by side with becoming self-reliant, the 90 rehabilitated river-eroded homeless families in nine barracks there have also made own assets through income generating activities and proper utilisation of microcredit.The rehabilitated inhabitants said they have got back new life and address, ensured livelihoods and dream of brighter future for children following the comprehensive social safety-net programme being implemented by the government.They have been getting training, input and support from local government departments and the Upazila Cooperative Office provides revolving interest-free microcredit loan for income generating activities.Rehabilitated Nazrul, 58, Bulbuli, 43, and Tobiya, 52, said they have been making good profits to raise capitals through small- scale business, animal husbandry, poultry, tree plantation, vegetables and fruit farming at homesteads under the programme.Like the other rehabilitated people there, couple Alef Uddin, 53, and Feroza Khatun, 44, said they became homeless twelve years back with others when the Teesta devoured everything they had in nearby village Purbo Kochua Fakirpara.They narrated their miserable days passed for years amid uncertainty with son Sirajul, 22, and daughter Arjuma Khatun, 20, on the lands of others, highlands and flood control embankments.”But, everything started changing when we got shelter at Purbo Kochua-1 Asrayan Prokalpo to begin new life as the then government of Prime Minster Sheikh Hasina completed its construction during her 1996-2001 tenure,” they said.After providing training on income generating activities, Upazila Cooperative Office formed a Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited and provided with Taka 6,000 microcredit to every rehabilitated family there.”We bought a heifer, opened grocery shop and completed loan payments on weekly installments to get Taka 10,000 microcredit again when we took lease of seven decimal cultivable lands that give three crops, including paddy twice a year,” they said.They again got Taka 15,000 microcredit for the third time after paying all 45 weekly installments, completed marriage of their daughter, purchased cow and made investment rest amount in grocery shop to become solvent now.”We now lead a sound life, we have assets, including cows, grocery shop and other properties to be estimated over Taka 3.50 lakh though we had nothing after becoming homeless following river erosion,” the couple said.Another river erosion victim couple Moshiar Rahman, 43, and Anichha Begum, 35, rehabilitated there said they purchased a heifer and old shallow machine after getting Taka 6,000 cooperative microcredit first time.After completing 100 percent loan payments, they again got Taka 9,000 microcredit, purchased another cow and 12 decimals cultivable land, again Taka 12,000 and would get more loans if necessary.”We have now assets of Taka 2.50 lakh and are earning through cultivating crops on own land, crushing paddy and irrigating others’ crop field using shallow machine and our children Minal, 14, Tazul, 8, and Tanzina, 7, are going to school,” they said.Talking to BSS, Gangachara Upazila Cooperative Officer Hosne Ara Begum said the Asrayan Prokalpo dwellers have been changing fortune successfully through proper utilisation of the microcredit loan and other government assistances.
