Cooperative business centre inaugurated in Fulbari

BSS, Rangpur :
A cooperative business centre ‘Doyle Zannatun Box House’ of Betdighee Mohona Mohila Samobai Samity (BMMSS) was inaugurated for marketing handicraft products being produced by females in village Gangapur under Fulabri upazila in Dinajpur on Thursday.
The BMMCS established the business centre with assistance of Fulabri Area Development Programme (ADP) of World Vision Bangladesh (WVB) creating direct jobs for 13 trained women and indirect jobs for 250 more women and adolescents of the area.
The handicraft products like cartoons for packing sweets, common shopping bags, folding shopping bags, grocery and cosmetic bags, AP four size envelope and other goods, being produced by 13 trained female members of BMMSS will be marketed through this centre.
Chairman of Betdighee union Shah Mohammad Abdul Kudus formally inaugurated the business centre at a ceremony arranged on the occasion at its premises as the chief guest with President of BMMSS Zannatun Ferdous in the chair.
Manager of Fulabri ADP of WVB Pabitra B Costa, its Programme Officer Badal Sangma, members of Betdighee union parishad Abdul Mannan and Rina Pervin addressed the ceremony as the special guests.
Earlier, Fulbari ADP of WVB assisted the 13 female members of ‘Doyle Sub-group’ of BMMSS in getting training for their skill building on production of the handicraft goods at Thengamara Mohila Sabuz Sangha in Bogra in last January.
In their speeches, the speakers aid that the newly established business centre ‘Doyle Zannatun Box House’ would play vital role in encouraging and making the unemployed rural women self-reliant through income generation activities in their own area.