Controlling social media to prevent teenage crime

Md Atikur Rahman :
Bangladesh is the name of a prosperous poverty-stricken country suffering from the present world population. Intentional misuse of Internet, dream of digital Bangladesh and cyber crime in the imperial world conspiracy can ruin our beloved motherland, which can also threaten our existence. Whereas state like Antigenic faces the destruction of cyber crime, there is more to our situation. So it is important to take action now in this regard.
Traditional culture clicked on the screen and indecent blue pictures and miserliness. Clicking can be chatting with young people from one country to another and this opportunity is going to be the most promising teenager in the country, who are the future champions of the development of this country.
 They are enduring sexual satisfaction by visiting parents and going to the cyber cafe after visiting their parents. They are mentally and physically disturbed by the loss of much biological energy. As a result, day-to-day reading, respect, dignity, conscience, etc. We are lost in their minds. Due to this, hateful teenage crimes and criminal gangs like theft, robbery, murder, smuggling, terrorist, rape, cheating and cheating are increasing in society. There has been a widespread erosion of pornography through mobile phones and computers. Mobile phones are the most used in this work. There is no clear law or direction regarding the use of mobile phones in the country. Because of the low cost, handsets with multimedia facilities are turning to the hands of young people. It is rapidly spreading on the mobile phone to save pornographic images through internal or external memory. Schools, colleges, and university-educated youths are being victimized by cyber crime.
Before the prescribed age, minor childhood school children are entering into Face book with the introduction of adulthood. At this age of education, our new generation is becoming physically and mentally exhausted by the fury of Face book. Hunger, mental impairment, sadness and physical disability are among them. As a result, the attention of these children is diminishing, decreasing readiness, as well as social benevolence. Irritating mood, eye disorders, nerves are causing problems. This generation of Face book walkers is suffering from complex diseases like mental imbalance. The team is capable of being powerless, irresponsible and beyond reality; the new generation is addicted to the fear of a dreamless life.
Extra share of yourself, while entering the Face book without reason, excessive feedback on the image of the profile, reading news feeds for hours and passing through them, giving life to real life, behaving like crazy to make friends, phone notifications, or Seeing the signs of a notification, get excited, whenever you are in your position by checking in immediately Not to mention, people often tag people, secretly use Face book for hours after work, when someone does not comment on a Face book post, frustrated, the tendency to add to the list of strangers to increase the number of friends, sleeping in the middle of the night By checking out Face book, having a feeling of life without Face book seems to have a negative effect on the emotion and feeling they are sitting on, Tasha and anxiety are sitting alone, feeling lonely and start feeling guilty, addicted to the person, does not work properly, lost interest in work, time goes out of the way, forced to lead a dishonest, and starts to feel jealous of himself as compared to another due to liability, the attention lies in the loss of the Ges relationship on Face book, the house can be broken Patients, headaches, sodalities or spinal cord, loss of balance, weight gain increases, others lose weight, insomnia or sleep disturbances, problems in sight, and there are frequent cyber crime cases in the country. Which is unpredictable and unfortunate in such unnecessary incidents, extreme value is to be given to women, children and youth. The reason for the simple use of technology can be mentioned. The availability of technology is pushing the youth into crime. The result is depletion.
Before you go to bed and go to bed, quickly get information about the world and contact with Aponjia, as well as the technologies and technologies of TV and the Internet. Although technology plays an important role in facilitating the standard of living of the people, unfortunately its misuse is pushing adolescents and youth into depletion.
Just what? The country has taken the most formidable form of the moment in the leaked issue. And using this terrible task easily makes use of technology. Social media like face book, twitter, emo, vigo, you tube, WhatsApp, and Viber are now being fashioned in the wake of the night. Vigo Live from the middle of the night! So much that Youtube has held. Now it is owned exclusively by Vigo. The footage of dirt has spread through one another. They are also making each other blackmail with these footage.
So social media has now become the biggest ‘anti-social’ form. Most of these movements, the young people are wandering around. So risk is more. The effect of the evil of social media is one of the reasons for the degradation of society. If this is going on, it is not far from moving forward in the touch of technology, the backwardness has become very close.
A survey of Bangladesh’s Human Rights Foundation found that, among the 30 students of class nine, pornography was found in the classroom and 25 people had pornography on mobile phones. On the other hand, 86 of the 85 eighth grade students used mobile phones, out of which 76 appeared in pornography. As a result, their addiction levels are increasing, as well as the number of non-participants in the study. Some distraught recreational activities, music videos, pornography encourages teenagers and young people to imitate the bad motivation as well as imitation. As a result of being associated with major crimes, youth is misguided because; the misuse of technology increases the attractiveness of their brand, image, and glamor. As a result, it is not possible to distinguish between good people. About 62 per cent of youth (12-16 years) of advanced countries in Internet, Youtube, VB, pornography addiction are being associated with major crimes including sexual harassment and rape. According to experts, if the use of other technologies, including epidemic, can not control the use of other technologies, then the youth of Bangladesh will also suffer degradation and various disorder.
Currently 44.2 per cent of the world’s population is directly connected to the Internet. It is estimated that by the end of 2017, almost half the people of the world will come under the Internet connection. According to the BTRC, in the year 2016, the number of Internet users in Bangladesh is approximately 40 cores.
Number of Face book users exceeded three million Face book accounts are being opened every 12 seconds, which is more than the birth rate of Bangladesh. In another report, nearly 25 per cent of Internet data is pornography. Currently, there are more than 50 million pornography websites in over 20 million websites on the Internet. The release of our young society from the scope of this terrible outbreak is now a challenge. Websites known as social media are driving the young people of the country towards darkness.
In the age of free information technology, a large section of youth, youth and youth society is becoming increasingly involved in cyber criminals. According to the report published in several major criminal offenses, which are being followed by cyber crime, many high and middle child children are involved in crimes, but the teenage offenders are the only children of poor families. According to crime analysts, children of poor families are involved in crime for abdomen. But in the absence of proper service of the children of the middle class families, lack of covetousness and guardianship and children of upper age children are involved in various crimes due to the absence of overall care and proper surveillance and the influence of sky culture.
Terrorist godfathers are basically doing criminal acts by the boys, and these criminals are taking part in different crimes every day starting from murder, kidnapping, hijacking, extortion. The underworld terrorists are controlling them. Law enforcers are struggling to arrest them. Occasionally the two parties are being caught, but most of them are out of the trap. And these teenage criminals can not touch the criminals of the Godfather. They always live safely. There is no way to admit that children and teenagers are being used as a key to the terrorists’ interests for social reasons.
Apart from the benefits, the society is pushing children into adolescents like non-cooperation of power, indifference and inaction, expansion of poverty, rising unemployment and frustration. In particular, Tuki National Children’s Teens are being used by illegal godfathers for various illegal purposes. A section of children and middle-class children of high and middle families has also been associated with crime due to illicit temptations, coercion and other reasons. They have been involved in fierce regulation because of all the crimes, they were shot dead, heroin including slaughter, smuggling, drug delivery to customers, hijacking, illegal weapons-explosive transport.
Terrorist vicious tricks, especially the Godfather, are using the socially and exploited children of society in various anti-social work, in many temptations, in various tactics. Recently, many non-hijackers and killers, including the unconscious party, the ointment party and the towatta a party, are using the purpose of the exploitation of children and juvenile offenders. This must be very worrying news. On the other hand, the country has developed cyber cafe, movie hall, memory loading point etc. The youths are constantly threatened by the lack of good entertainment, but youths are constantly threatened. As a result, the current era has turned into cyber culture, headphone culture, chatting-dating culture and blue-loading culture to prevent cyber crime; you must accept the diverted injection.
Cyber crime: This is an international problem. For the prevention of this problem, the United Nations will have to form a separate commission; Antivirus companies are the first to ban internationally for prevention. Because these are being done on their backslide. So suppressing them, cyber crime will be reduced considerably; Necessity of time and time is necessary for curbing cyber crime. The need for cyber or virtual police formation and strict monitoring of the countrywide. Hacking will be declared as an offense; Porn sites will have to be closed down completely. Prospective taxpayers will be brought under strict law.
IP addresses of related websites are to be closed. So that the user can not use it; the country’s cyber cafes will have to be brought under a specific policy. The name of the user will be kept in the address and identity card. Closing the separate petition will create opportunities for internet access in the open space. Apart from increasing police surveillance, ad hoc filter or porn-resistant software must be compulsory at all levels including cyber cafés.
On the other hand, if rational behavior and greed can be controlled by gossip, in the cyber world, it is possible to remain safe from the hands of cheating, morals should be done, because of the moral degeneration; people are mainly involved in various criminal activities. Therefore, to bring the juvenile crime in the forefront, there must be an eye on these issues. Teenage crime trends will be greatly reduced if there is a well-organized program, including reducing poverty, reducing unemployment, promoting religious and social values, and spreading education. However, the main responsibility for the rise of moral degradation and teenage crime of youth is mainly due to their parents. As well as the Blue Sites Browsing, cyber cafes are also the main culprits of teenage crime.
If the children of the digital era do not interfere with their free movement, free browsing chat-dating, then the nation and the country will suffer greatly as well as the guardians. Because the power of one country is the main driving force. It is important to use internet in the age of information technology. However, the guardians should be aware that their loved ones are browsing some sites. She has to pay close attention to where she is going, where the precious time is spent, what she is doing, when she returns. Parents should be accustomed to the religious and moral education of children and to enjoy proper recreation. The lack of proper application of technology, the lack of social awareness, the lack of social awareness, the lack of family life, the rule of religious education, the use of technology without regard to the benefits and misdiagnosis of justice, is largely due to cyber crime.
Almost all the districts of the country, including DC, SP, UNO AC (Land) and Ocs, have almost all been associated with Face book. The Social Security Helpline has already been introduced to prevent the abuse of social media and crime. Cyber Security (01766678888) Helpline calls for cyber-related harassment 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Besides, the cyber crime control committee is being formed in every district to make people aware about cyber crime.
The expectation of everyone that the concerned authorities will take immediate action against the crime prevention.

(Md Atikur Rahman is a columnist & PR specialist at BUFT)
