Contaminated beauty products: Illegal activities have become easier


EVEN the fetus in the womb may be affected due to the adverse effects of using spurious cosmetics used by the expecting mother, Skin experts warn. Most women are becoming the victims (unconsciously in most cases) of unscrupulous cosmetics businesses. The ‘would be baby’ may be born with physical deformities. Thus, this is like a blueprint to produce an unhealthy generation. The New Nation on Monday reported that the mobile court seized huge fake cosmetic brands worth about Tk 20 lakh from Old Dhaka on the previous day. The court fined Tk 11 lakh and arrested seven persons in this connection. Reports have it that at least 2600 people were fined about Tk 30 crore and over 1000 people also jailed in this connection. Even more than 1500 cases were filed and at least two hundred factories were sealed during such drives against spurious cosmetics makers in the last two years.
Most alarming is that some unscrupulous traders are selling fake cosmetics in the package of renowned brands both home and abroad and thus cheating the common people. Especially, the markets are flooded ahead of festivals with fake cosmetics and beauty packages. This happens due to the laxity of the authorities concerned. Fake cosmetics products are harmful for human consumption but it seems there is no one to see the interest of the consumers. Thus, the profit-mongers are having a field day in their illegal business. Users of such sub-graded cosmetics belong to all economic statuses from garment workers to stars of the silver screen and are thus all equally victimized.
Experts said, one of the major causes of the various infectious diseases, like cancer, kidney, skin, eye, brain and heart diseases is due to forged and date expired cosmetics. The use of such cosmetics causes various types of cardiac arrest, brain damage and many skin diseases by creating a barrier in the blood circulation of the human body. These chemicals are also damaging the liver, kidney, sperm and ovum. Even children have lost their normal growth, women of child bearing age become victims of chemically induced aborted fetuses and sometimes give births of physically challenged babies.
The unscrupulous manufacturers mix various toxic chemicals, including mercury, lead, phosphorus, oil etc. while producing such cosmetic products which are potential threats to the artery and veins, stomach, brains and other vital organs of the human body. They carry on the business using the second hand containers of the reputed brands. Surprisingly, the parent companies are conspicuously inactive to protect their trademark rights or its abuses.
We urge the government to take necessary steps for imposing a ban on producing and selling the forged cosmetic goods for the sake of public health. Health campaign can be initiated about the use of toiletries and cosmetics among the consumers to make them aware of the dangers of the fake beauty products.
