Consumers demand protection for Bidi industry

Business Desk :
“As long as there are cigarettes in the country, Bidi will remain,” said Bangladesh Bidi consumers (Bangladesh Bidi Bhokta pokkho) on Monday at a press conference held at the National Press Club, says a press release.
The organization also demanded inclusion of Bidi making in cottage industries category. They also protested excessive taxes on Bidi industry and urged government to refrain its bureaucrats from holding the post of director at foreign multinational companies.
“Like cigarettes, Bidi industry must be given time up to 2040”, added the consumers body at the press conference.
President of the Bangladesh Bidi Consumers Mohammad Khaledur Rahman read out written statement while General Secretary Md. Mashiur Rahman presided over the conference. Vice President Rabiul Islam, Joint Secretary Md. Sagar Ahmed, General Secretary Md Mostafa, Organizing Secretary Md. Hafizur Rahman, Member Habibur Rahman, Publicity Secretary Ashraful Islam, among others, spoke on the conference. Hundreds of Bidi Consumers were present at program.
Organization’s Publicity Secretary Ashraful Islam said, “All taxes were revoked by declaring Bidi as a cottage industry during Bangabandhu’stenure. But at present, miscreants of British American companies are plotting to destroy the Bidi industry. Some of local vested groups also cooperate with them. Bidi workers participated in all the movements to liberate our country in the past. Now, the workers will prevent all conspiracy of the foreign companies through rigid movement.