Rigging in refrigerator market: Consumers cheated on fridges with big door assuming huge volume

Kamruzzaman Bablu :
The demand and sales of refrigerators witness remarkable growth every year during the holy month of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr. This year, the refrigerator sales increased more as unbearable heat waves pass through all over the country. However, capitalizing on this additional demand, some dishonest businessmen are deceiving consumers by displaying fridges with big doors in an attempt to mean huge volume for preserving foods.
During a visit to Stadium Market, the largest retail and wholesale market of electronics products, it was seen that the sales of refrigerators, along with the demand hike, remarkably increased which led the market filled with low quality refrigerators. The customers, who are buying these low quality refrigerators assuming them larger and affordable in prices, are being deceived. These refrigerators are presented to have more volume than the same size fridges of renowned brands. Though the inner space of these fridges is small, the customers are told to have larger space, which make them confused.
Vendors said that consumers generally consider few things while buying a refrigerator among which are the volume of the cooling appliance, how much food could be kept inside and its energy efficiency. In most cases, customers buy refrigerators based on information provided by sales agents. In this case, the unscrupulous vendors are highlighting the low-quality refrigerator saying it has more space and it seems to be too big.
Mohammad Sohel, proprietor of General Electronics at the Stadium Market, said these refrigerators are designed in a deceiving way to highlight the inner space. General customers assume that the refrigerator has much space inside as the door is made according to the design, which seems to be larger than the body of the fridge. However, in reality, the inner space of these refrigerators are not such large that seems from outside and the general customers fall prey of this trap, he added.
Amdadul Hoque Sarker, Executive Director and Head of Marketing of Walton Group, said deceiving consumers with the quality and design of the refrigerators purchased with their hard earn money is not acceptable at all. From importers to local manufacturers all should be aware of the fact that deceiving will never bring good outcome. He called upon the importers and local and international manufacturers to stay away from producing and marketing such kinds of low quality refrigerators and to ensure highest quality and service of the products purchased with the hard-earn money of the customers.