Consultation meeting on ILO Convention held


A consultation meeting on ILO Convention 182 and Optional Protocol 2 to UNCRC was held at the CIRDAP auditorium in the city on Sunday.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands, under the project “Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CCSEC) Project in Bangladesh” supported by the Delegation of the European Union in Dhaka organised the programme, said a press release.
In the meeting, a position paper has been shared which is the finding of a research to assess the implementation status of ILO Convention 182 and Optional Protocol 2 in Bangladesh.
Gaziuddin Mohammad Munir, joint secretary of Ministry of Women and Children Affairs and board member of SAIEVAC addressed the meeting as the chief guest while Md Ruhul Amin, deputy secretary of Ministry of Labour and Employment, was present as special guest.
Mahmudul Kabir, country director of Terre des Hommes Netherlands, gave the welcome speech and chaired the dialogue. Md Sharfuddin Khan, consultant of the research paper, shared the keynote paper.
CCSEC project is a forty-two months consortium initiative which aims to contribute to the elimination of commercial sexual exploitation of children in Bangladesh.
The working areas of the project are Dhaka North City Corporation and Tangail sadar upazila, Tangail district.
