Trump warns: `Constitutional crisis` if Hillary wins

AFP, Kent (United States) :
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traded fierce campaign trail attacks Monday, as the Republican underdog barnstormed Democratic territory in the race’s final week and warned of a “constitutional crisis” should his rival win the White House.
Eight days from Election Day, the provocative billionaire and the scandal-hit Democrat followed in the spirit of the bruising 2016 race by spending more time branding each other unfit to lead as they did highlighting their own strengths to voters.
Trump, aiming to disprove polls that show him trailing nationally and in key swing states, campaigned in Michigan, where Clinton has led every poll since the race began, hoping to capitalize on the controversy over the FBI’s renewed focus on his rival’s emails.
Allegations that Clinton put America at risk by using a private email server while secretary of state were thrust back into the spotlight Friday when FBI director James Comey said the bureau would study newly discovered messages possibly related to Clinton.
The bombshell announcement could shift the momentum in a race where Clinton was increasingly seen as the prohibitive favorite.
But a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey weekly tracking poll released Monday showed virtually no change in standing following the revelations, with Clinton maintaining a six-point lead over Trump, 47 percent to 41 percent.
Clinton, furious at Comey for making his announcement without providing evidence of wrongdoing, addressed the issue head on in Kent, Ohio.