Saarc Summit begins today: Connectivity, poverty reduction on agenda

UNB, Dhaka :
The 18th Saarc Summit begins on Wednesday in Kathmandu, Nepal where the leaders are expected to deliberate on enhancing cooperation in the fields of education, energy security and poverty alleviation.
The two-day Summit of the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (Saarc) will focus on a range of crucial issues such as security cooperation, improving connectivity among the member states and ensuring greater flow of goods and services to fuel economic growth through liberalised trade and combat challenges of terrorism and climate change effectively, diplomatic sources said.
Leaders of the Saarc countries, including Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, already reached the capital of Himalayan country to attend the Summit. Hasina is leading a 37-member Bangladesh delegation.
At the Summit, Bangladesh will focus on 10 core issues-youth development, poverty alleviation, improvement of connectivity, climate change, science and technology, education, women empowerment, food security and combating terrorism-for strengthening cooperation.
Earlier, Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali said Bangladesh will lay emphasis on timely and proper implementation of the decisions taken so far within the Saarc.
Bangladesh wants to see Saarc as a more vibrant platform so that it can play an effective role in ensuring people’s benefits, he said.
Bangladesh would give importance to youth development and quality education for them because the future of the South Asia depends on the huge young population in the Saarc countries.
Three agreements-Saarc Motor Vehicles Agreement for the Regulation of Passenger and Cargo Vehicular Traffic amongst Saarc member states, Saarc Regional Railways Agreement and Saarc Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) – were supposed to be signed in the summit. But it still remains uncertain whether those will be signed or not as some of the countries are yet to complete their internal processes to that end.
Officials said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s active participation in the Saarc Summit will help strengthen cooperation among the member states in the areas of connectivity, trade, energy and security.
Meanwhile, Foreign Ministers from eight Saarc nations met Tuesday in the Nepalese capital to prepare for the summit of regional leaders.
The foreign ministers’ meeting finalised the agenda for the leaders’ meeting on Wednesday and Thursday.