Congratulate Dr Mubarak for inventing eco-friendly PPE


A BANGLADESHI scientist who earlier discovered jute polymer and invented “Sonali Bag”, has come up with a method of making biodegradable protective gear, when discarded PPE has become an environmental threat during the pandemic. Dr Mubarak Ahmad Khan, the scientific adviser to Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation, came up with the material to prepare personal protective equipment (PPE) which is biodegradable and non-toxic. The government must take advantage of innovation and quickly go for commercial production to grab the global market.
We know, indiscriminate disposal of hazardous Covid-19 related plastic waste could cause significant environmental pollution as well as potentially help spread infectious diseases. Around 14,500 tonnes of hazardous plastic waste had been produced from the single-use surgical face masks, gloves, hand sanitiser bottles, and polythene bags in the first month of the shutdown. Against the situation, how to replace petroleum-based non-degradable PPE with eco-friendly PPE is a cherished demand. The biodegradable PPE is the best solution for what the world is looking for. And Bangladeshi scientist is in the lead to produce eco-friendly PPE.
The scientist said the main components of this PPE are cellulose, extracted from jute fibre, and chitosan – a natural fibrous material obtained from the hard outer skeleton of shellfish such as crab, lobster, and shrimp. The biodegradable PPE will be easier to decontaminate and dispose of as the material dissolves in water within seven days and in soapy water in three minutes, during which most viruses are killed. Both jute and shrimp are easily available materials in Bangladesh and the extraction processes of cellulose and chitosan and preparation of the biopolymers are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Chitosan has been shown to provide anti-viral immune protection and is a component of vaccines and other drugs.
Currently, several types of jute-based packaging bags using the polymer are being produced on a pilot basis at the state-run Latif Bawany Jute Mills in Demra, under the “Sonali Bag” initiative of the Ministry of Textiles and Jute. We hope the ray of hope of business and protection of the environment go hand-in-hand and lead the world eco-business. We demand all comprehensive support for the project and produce the PPE commercially quickly.
