Confident youngsters vow to become IT entrepreneurs


BSS, Dhaka :
The graduate youngsters of different public and private universities selected for developing as future IT leaders have vowed to become entrepreneurs to run businesses of their own and make their contribution to the booming country’s IT sector.
A month-long frenzied and excited training on the soft skill and hard skill basics has encouraged the 150 youngsters and built their confidence to become entrepreneurs instead of looking for a job or going abroad to seek fortune.
Wearing white shirt and black trousers, the smart looking Qamrul Islam, Tasinul Abrar, S M Akbar and Ali Emdad were talking to BSS last week at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla about the outcome of the training organized by Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance (LICT) Project from May 29 to June 27.
“There is no doubt about the positive impact after obtaining the soft and hard skills training especially on communications, team building, negotiation, emotional skill, etc. that has brought a significant change in my mind and prompted me to take a decision to be an IT entrepreneur in future,” said an optimistic 27-year-old Qamrul Islam, one of the fortunate 150 youngsters who had the opportunity for the training through a competitive online examination early May this year.
