Conducting research to ensure quality higher edn emphasized


Academicians at a seminar laid importance on conducting adequate research works to ensure quality of higher education to compete with the international standard.
“Quality higher education is evidently a critical element of development, which a country like Bangladesh must build, if it is to make progress in the contemporary world that feeds on knowledge and breeds on competition,” they added.
They came up with the opinion on Tuesday at the seminar on ‘Research Experience Sharing’ organised by Dr Wazed Research and Training Institute (DWRTI) of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur (BRUR) at its academic building no-2 on the campus.
Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies of BRUR Professor Md Ferdous Rahman presided over the seminar moderated by Scientific Officer of DWRTI Mehzabeen Elahi.
Senior Scientific Officer of DWRTI Dr Prasannojeet Sarker delivered welcome speech narrating goals and objectives of the event.
Researcher (Ph.D. Student) Mashraki Mustary at Sophia University, Tokyo in Japan conducted the seminar as the Key Note Speaker.
Research fellows and officials of DWRTI, teachers and students of different departments of the university participated in the seminar.
Mashraki Mustary discussed about various aspects of research and importance of conducting research activities and shared her experience to improve the quality and standard of higher education.
“There is no alternative to conducting continuous research on every field of education for improving the quality of higher education at the present global context,” she said.
Professor Ferdous Rahman said the seminar would help the participants to enrich their ideas for conducting research activities to get better results.
