Condolence motion on Saudi King’s death

UNB, Dhaka :
The Cabinet on Monday adopted a condolence motion expressing shock at the death of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud terming him a pragmatic ruler and a true friend of Bangladesh.
The condolence motion was adopted at the regular weekly meeting of the cabinet held at Bangladesh Secretariat with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
Briefing reporters after the meeting, Cabinet Secretary M Musharraf Hussain Bhuiyan said the government has declared a state mourning on Saturday at the demise of Saudi King Abdullah.
The national flag hoisted half-mast at all government and private buildings, including government, semi-government and autonomous offices, educational institutions and Bangladesh missions abroad during the state mourning.
A special doa was held at all mosques across the country, while special prayers took place at other worship places, seeking eternal peace of the departed soul of the King.
Besides, President Md Abdul Hamid visited Saudi Arabia to offer condolences and sympathy on behalf of Bangladesh. “In its continuation, the Cabinet yesterday adopted the condolence motion.”
The condolence motion mentioned that King Abdullah was a true friend of Bangladesh, and the brotherly relations between the two countries deepened further during the period of the present government and the rule of King Abdullah.
Besides, a large number of Bangladeshi workers went to Saudi Arabia and many Bangladeshis were legalised due to the amnesty declared by the Saudi government in 2013. “This has been possible due to the generosity of King Abdullah,” the meeting observed.
It also mentioned that King Abdullah was a pragmatic ruler as he adopted balanced policies. “That’s why the cabinet yesterday adopted the condolence motion at the demise of King Abdullah,” added the Cabinet Secretary.