Condition of MP Hiron unchanged

block :Showkat Hossain Hiron, the Awami League lawmaker from Barisal-5 constituency, is in a critical condition even after undergoing treatment at Singapore.He was brought back to Bangladesh in the early hours of Friday.”Hiron has been kept on life support at Dhaka’s Apollo Hospital,” his friend and Barisal City Corporation’s chief tax official Abual Masud Mamun said.The former city mayor had collapsed at the Barisal club on Mar 22 due to a cardiac arrest. He had suffered brain haemorrhage.He was rushed to the Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital and was later shifted to Dhaka the same night. A brain surgery was performed on him at the Apollo Hospital on Mar 23.Hiron was airlifted to Singapore the following day for better treatment. The MP’s friend said he was kept on life support at the Glenn Eagles Medical Centre from Mar 25 to Apr 3. Another brain surgery was performed during that time but his condition remained unchanged.Doctors there suggested taking Hiron back home.Another friend of the Awami League’s Barisal metropolitan unit chief, Dr Anowar Hossain, told that an air ambulance of Shikdar Medical had started for Dhaka on Thursday afternoon.But it was forced to make an emergency landing in Thailand due to a technical glitch. Later, a Thai ambulance brought him to Dhaka, he said.Hiron lost last year’s mayoral polls but got elected as an MP uncontested in the 10th national elections.
