Condition of education and massive drop out of girl students


A NATIONAL daily on Wednesday reported quoting the Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics that around 46 percent female students at the Secondary level are dropping out from schools. The reports blamed extreme poverty, reduction in real income of poor families, social insecurity and child marriage as the main causes for the setback despite the government claims that it is achieving gender equality in the education sector. It is really unbelievable that such a huge percentage of students are dropping out deceiving public notice and we must make sure why they are leaving schools despite the fact that the government is giving stipends to girl students along with free text books upto graduation level. Supplying books free of cost does mean proper education is ensured. The children must have able teacher and they must also feel safe coming to schools and colleges. There is too much bragging about free books.What cannot be denied is the real fear of the parents about the safety of their daughters going to school. There is lawlessness in the countryside that even the police cannot be effective to deal with politically connected thugs. They know for certain that their local leaders will look other way so that the police do not go into action. Incidents of teasing school girls, rape and even killing are happening more often than we see reported in newspapers.This situation has been verily reflected in the government report titled ‘Bangladesh Education Statistics-2015′ that said around 52 lakh female students were enrolled at the Secondary level out of a total of around 97.5 lakh in a year some time back. But subsequent statistics showed only 54.08 percent girls were able to complete the course as against 66.28 percent among boys. The figure shows more girls are dropping out than boys. The girls between 14 and 16 years of age are leaving schools on being married particularly for safety reasons. The successive governments have been claiming education is free or cheaper for the children of poor people. By now the politicians in power have become so much alienated from the people that they easily believe the lies some of their trusted bureaucrats are feeding them. Education is terribly expensive for those poor ones who are anxious to have real education for their children.In government schools and colleges there is more irresponsible politics than education. There is hardly any academic atmosphere in such institutions. The people’s money is misused in this area also. The teachers are appointed as political favour and not for their competence as teachers.Even the poorest of poor ones know they must sacrifice everything if their children are to get education. Some beg to provide help for the education of their childrenPlease have some serious consideration to find out how the education of our future generations being destroyed by dishonesty, negligence and corruption. The Education Ministry thrive not education but mindless corruption. Examinations’ results are manipulated to lie about the reality.
