Concerns over sexual abuse of girls on social media

UNB, Dhaka :
While roaming around the blue and white world of Facebook, many forget the basic idea of using the social platform in a healthy way as many use it as a tool of harassing others, especially girls.
Most girls are still unaware that the digital space is being invaded with sexual harassment, violent messages and threats, and these are crimes.
In a recent study report, Cyber Crime Awareness Foundation (CCABD) revealed that among the victims of cybercrimes in the country, 51.13 percent are women while 48.87 percent are men.
According to a report, women from 18 to 30 years of age are mostly become victim of such crimes, and the percentage is 73.71, while 0.52 percent are below the age of 18, and 12.77 percent are of 30 to 45 years and 3 percent are above 45.
Women are mostly vulnerable to fake social accounts and account hacking as on average 14.29 percent of women become victims of propaganda through fake or hacked accounts. 9.77 percent women receive threatening messaging in social network sites.
Farzana Tasnim, an MSS student of Dhaka University, said many girls, like her, have to face cyber harassment on Facebook, especially
in the ‘Other Messages’ section’. “Most of the harassing messages come from fake IDs, and we cannot even track the culprits without any legal help,” she said adding, “Though primarily we tend to block those IDs or report them, it cannot be a long term solution.”
Esratul Jahan, a student of Dhaka University, told UNB, there is nothing new in harassing women on Facebook. “While women are facing violence and harassment everywhere on roads and at home, they have to also face such unexpected behaviour at the digital platform.”
Receiving replies in comments having slang words, getting links of pornography in inbox-these are happening every now and then in the Facebook, she added.
“Such harassments definitely create stress on mind. Many girls do feel that they should stop using Facebook. But that cannot be a solution. Instead, they should take legal actions against those who are harassing them,” said Esrat adding that if such crimes are not resisted, then the criminals get encouraged further to commit more heinous crimes against women.
Jannatun Naima from Rampura, shared her experience with the UNB correspondent saying that one day she received a message in Facebook from someone containing abusive language, and the reason behind sending such messages was not to accept that person’s friend request.