Concern over random violation of tobacco control law

BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a discussion have expressed their grave concern over gross violation of tobacco control law in both public places and transports in the region and urged the authorities concerned to take punitive measures to resist the violation.
They viewed the government has amended the law to make it more stringent because of growing tobacco use in the country. The main attraction of the landmark law is that it bans all sorts of tobacco advertisements at the point of sale and sponsorships of the industries. The law also bans the selling of cigarettes to those below 18.
However, selling of tobacco products especially cigarettes to the schoolchildren and smoking in public places and transports are continuing defying the law.
The observations came at a media advocacy styled “Smoking in Public Place and Transports: Violation of Tobacco Control Law” held at the conference hall of Association for Community Development (ACD) today.
Tobacco products advertisements through packet display at all selling points and unabated marketing of foreign branded cigarettes are taking place violating the law.
On the occasion, a survey report relating to the application status of the law in the region was presented. ACD and Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) jointly organized the programme in association with Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Bloomberg Philanthropies and Consortium for Smoke Free Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions.
During his presentation, Ehsanul Amin Emon, Project Coordinator of ACD, said full-length enforcement of the tobacco control law has become an urgent need.
He mentioned that selling of tobacco products especially cigarettes to the schoolchildren and smoking in public places and transports are continuing unchecked.
District and Upazila level administrative officials should operate the mobile court routinely, he added.
With ACD President Salima Sarwar in the chair, President of Rajshahi Press Club Anwarul Alam Fatik and journalists Paritosh Chowdhury Adittya, Sharif Suman, Ahsan Habib Apu and Atiqur Rahman spoke on the occasion.
Time has come to stop all sorts of tobacco promotion related advertisements, publicity and patronization to protect the future generation from the harmful effects of smoking and other tobacco products, the speakers said.
They viewed utmost emphasis should be given on freeing the public places and transports from smoking. There is no alternative to conduct mobile courts frequently to enforce the law of tobacco control in those places properly.
Besides, coordination among the key stakeholders, awareness building and capacity development and law enforcement particularly mobile court operation could be the vital strategies for effective implementation of the law, they added.
All concerned especially the retailers and other vendors should abide by the law of the tobacco control to protect the public health from bad effect of both smoke and smokeless tobacco products.