Computing on the go

Sadat Hussain Rafsanjani :
Wearable computer or computing on the go is the concept that attributes to the use of computing devices augmented to body part while carrying it, a concept that was first originated from MIT. Computer as we all know is a device that’s main features have been extended to too many extents but basically we expect something computation oriented. A computer can be best described as a device that can compute logical problems, must be programmable and has distinct interface and protocols to communicate with it, rather than a mere music player like staffs.
A weird example can be provided which can be traced back to 16th century when an abacus was implanted on a necklace and later on a ring during Chinese Qing Dynasty. As we all know it is considered that abacus is best known as the world’s first computer. In 1810, a wristwatch was constructed for Queen of Naples. But it was 150 years old tale. The more recent achievement was constructed (actually exploited) by Edward Oakley Thorp. This man is considered the father of wearable computer as the first one he developed in 1961. From abacus to Thorp device these were all analogue computers. An analogue computer is a device that represents data as miserable quantities, as voltages and produce results by form of rotation of gear in order to solve a problem and then expressing the results in the form of numbers.
His dream began at the age of 13 when he was a ham radio operator. He had a wired wish. As he learnt that human scalp could pass electricity, he wanted to shave his head, then put electrode inside his brain and wished he could turn on or off his radio just by thinking. While in the high school, one day a teacher was discussing about his recent trip to Las Vegas and he explained how a man couldn’t be the winner in the casino. It was the first time when he was drawn to the probabilistic fact of a computer that can assist a man to win over casino.
Some years later when he got into the UCLA, the topic came to his mind again. He was working on Blackjack, a popular casino game sometimes known as 21. Soon he moved to MIT and met Claude Shannon.
Claude Shannon, born Claude Elwood Shannon was a mathematician and electrical engineer. He was also a gadget geek like Thorp from his childhood.
He wrote his Master’s thesis on digital circuit and digital computing and proved that Boolean algebra can be applied to solve any logical or numerical relationship. Together they decided to build a machine that can theorise properly the roulette game. Thorp started his research at his basement lab and bought a roulette table cost 1500$. After a certain amount of investment, together they were able to build a gadget roughly a cigarette packet size. The gadget had total 12 transistors that could calculate the revolution time of the ball and whether it would end up or not. The switch of the gadget was extended to the toe to control smoothly and avoid suspicion. The test showed that the device had a 44 percent edge on roulette. Basically it was a cheating device, which later got commercial success and banned from casino consequently. Their success story was later published in the book called ‘Beat the Dealer.’
Steven Mann, a prominent researcher and inventor is considered as the modern founding father of wearable computer. He started to build computer like devices that could be worn on body back in 1980s. In 1991 he started ‘Wearable Computing Project’ in MIT. In 1995 he invented a covert video-capturing eyeglass. He got his PhD from MIT in 1997 in the field.
It is a little bit difficult to fully define a wearable computer. Some defines wearable computers as ubiquitous, ad hoc system integrated in the users outfit. Some people insist that the wearable device should be invisible, remains always active, augmented in user’s perception, context sensitive. These were the primary definitions but they also served as the basic requirements.
Later when smart shirts and more complex devices evolved the definition changed radically. The idea changed to wearable computing instead of wearable technologies. The device can be integrated to the user’s body. It should provide a hands free user interface that is it can be able to sense hand movements, gestures or vocal notation. One controlling method is wearing wireless finger ring. It is a device that can detect fingertip typing. Moreover, wearable computer must be aware of the environment. Then what is the aim of wearable computing? One proposal was to perform tasks with the help of an interface that must be augmented, deliberately diminishing non-computing activities. Note that, a wearable computer is different from hand held PDAs or sort of devices as it is wearable like cloth, watch or any fashionable object and at the same time useable.
Wearable technology implements high computing power as it is often requires complex signal and image processing, high end graphics, sometimes artificial intelligence. It integrates complex sensors, mobile networks and exotic Input Output devices. These day ultra light weighted wearable computers with robust characteristics and long battery life are commercially produced.
 Wearable devices have four layers. The number one category is micro sensors developed for location specific context. These devices are autonomous, power saving and miniature in size. The second category is embedded communication and power generation devices. The third category is getting much more attention as it is related to I/O devices like intelligent display driver. The fourth category involves central computing related devices. They have advance power management and body shape packaging system.
Wearable computer became popular for some specific reasons. First of all it gives a consistent interface to interact with the user; it does not require turning off and on again and again. On the other hand it is multitasking. It can simultaneously work on different features at the same time without slowing down the processing time. But power is the main issue that remained all the time. A typical desktop computer requires 100-watt energy where laptops need 10 watt. An embedded CPU requires 1 watt. Comparatively human body generates minimum 120-watt energy where the lions share can be generated from shoe generator.
Wearable computers are used broadly by physicians in some facilities nowadays. It is very useful as doctors can review the data on the go and with voice recognition doctors can take notes and can even record medical notes.
A doctor may wear head mounted display so that data can be easily transferred to it and the doctor can have a glimpse of the data without turning away from the patient.
This method is proved to be safer than looking at the monitor for statistics. Another use is the head up display that can project information right in the eye of the retina. Accenture Technology Lab made a device that consists of two microphones and a camera in aiding to remember a person’s name.
MIT Media Lab also developed a handbag that warns the user if she left anything. Research is going on to implement this technology in military. n

(Md Sadat Hussain Rafsanjani is a tech-savvy youth)
