Comprehensive framework to develop bond market drafted

Economic Reporter :
A comprehensive framework to develop the country’s bond market has been drafted by a designated working committee.
Titled as ‘Comprehensive framework on the development of bond market in Bangladesh’ the draft report has also been made available to public on Monday.
The government assigned nine-member working committee, headed by Md. Khurshid Alam, general manager of debt management department of Bangladesh Bank earlier submitted the report to the governor of Bangladesh Bank.
The 45-page report reviewed the current status of bond market, pointed out the barriers to develop a vibrant bond market and spelled out a number of recommendations to make the market effective and functional.
To address the challenges and barriers for the development of the country’s debt securities market and to implement the recommendations mentioned in the framework, the working committee has proposed to ‘promote inter-organisational cooperation among different primary regulatory bodies.’
The primary regulators include: Ministry of Finance (MoF), Bangladesh Bank (BB), National Board of Revenue (NBR), Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) and Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA).