Community support to ensure safe school for girls stressed

City Desk :

Development activists and public representatives at a discussion observed that adequate support from the community including the public representatives is very effective to ensure safe school for girls students.
They mentioned that ensuring safe school for girls could be the vital means of transforming them into worthy citizens besides boosting women empowerment and leadership.
To this end, all concerned including parents, teachers and members of school managing committee should put in their level best efforts. The concerted efforts will supplement the national work plan 2013-2025 for combating violence against women and children and achieving the sustainable development goals- 2030, they added. They said this recently while addressing a daylong ‘Facilitators Refresher Training on Safe School for Girls’ at BMDA Farmers Training Centre in Mohanpur upazila in Rajshahi. The Hunger Project Bangladesh (THPB) organized the training in association with Her Choice Programme and Safe School for Girls Campaign. Some 52 community facilitators and 24 school-teachers from four unions took part in the training.
