Community Policing Day observed in Rajshahi


National Desk :
Highlighting multifarious aspects of expanding community policing, speakers today unequivocally called for infusing dynamism into its activities for combating the crimes related to communal violence, terrorism, drug-addiction and militancy.
Community policing can be the vital means of freeing the society from all sorts of crimes with joint efforts of police and the public in general, they viewed.
The discussants came up with the observations while addressing a meeting to mark the Community Policing Day-2021 held at Rajshahi College auditorium. The theme of this year’s Community Policing Day is “Mujib Borsher Police Nity: Jonosheba ar Sampriti (Police Policy of Mujib Borsha: Public Service and Harmony)”.
Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) and Community Policing Forum jointly organized the meeting largely attended by cross-sections of people. RMP Commissioner Abu Kalam Siddique and Rajshahi College Principal Prof Abdul Khaleque addressed the discussion as the chief and the special guests respectively with RMP Additional Commissioner Sujayet Islam in the chair.
Community Policing Forum President Azizul Alam Bentu, Valiant Freedom Fighter Dr Abdul Mannan, political leader Dablu Sarker and RMP Additional Commissioner Mazid Ali also spoke.
RMP Commissioner Abu Kalam Siddique said the community people should extend cooperation to police by providing specific information about the criminals.
Crimes-free society, particularity free from communal violence, terrorism and drug addiction, must be established to protect people and the young generation, in particular, he said. To attain the cherished goal, the law-enforcing agencies and the community people should have to work together as the law-enforcers alone are not capable of overcoming the crisis, he added.
He went on saying that police-citizens’ joint efforts against social crimes are the main objective of community based policing and there is no alternative to activating it to free the society from the crimes.
Commissioner Kalam Siddique said the community based policing had been introduced in the metropolis with a noble view, but the community people should take the responsibility of making it effective. He stressed the need for boosting the relationship between the police and common people and for exploring the opportunities of community policing for lasting peace everywhere in the society.
“If you give us authentic information about the criminals and other anti-social elements, we will put in our best efforts to bring those to book as early as possible,” Siddique reminded the community people.
