Community Policing Day observed in Barishal

Barishal Correspondent :
Community Policing Day was held recently with the belief of building a safe city in Barishal with the motto “Police are the people, people are the police”. Metro Police Commissioner.
Shahabuddin Khan presided over the inauguration ceremony of the day by releasing pigeons and balloons on the Ashwini Kumar Hall premises of the city at 10:30 am on Saturday. The crime would be reduced if people voluntarily participate in community policing. Instability and unrest in a society will be less than at present. Senior police officials and dignitaries of the city and common people were present at the meeting.
 The chief guest of the meeting was the Vice-Chancellor of the Barishal university. Md. Shadekul Arefin said the more the idea of community policing can be given to the common man, the more people-friendly the police will be. Shahabuddin Khan said community policing would be beneficial if the voluntary participation of the people was ensured in maintaining law and order in Barisal city and solving social problems.
