Community clinics ensuring health services to rural people

City Desk :
Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges Nazmul Hoque Prodhan, MP, said the community clinics are successfully ensuring health services to the rural people.
“Massive developments take place when Awami League (AL) comes to power and the present government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has revived and revitalised the community clinics to build a healthier and developed country,” he said.
The lawmaker said this on Friday while addressing a function after inaugurating ‘Magura Dhanipara Community Clinic’ built at Taka 16-lakh by LGED in village Magura Dhanipara under Sadar upazila in Panchagarh district as the chief guest. Prodhan said the then AL government launched community clinics after assuming power in 1996 to reach ensured health and medicare services to the rural people for building a healthier nation.
But, the BNP-Jamaat-led alliance government after coming to power in 2001 closed down community clinics factually turning those into ‘cowsheds’ depriving the common people from getting health services, he regretted. “However, after coming to power in 2009, the pro-people AL government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina again rescued community clinics, re-launched and strengthened those for ensuring health and medicare services to the rural people,” Prodhan added.
With Sadar Upazila Health and Family Planning officer Dr Afroza Begum in the chair, Civil Surgeon of Panchagarh Dr Saiful Islam and Deputy Director of the Family Planning Department Mozaffar Hossain addressed the function as special guests.
The Civil Surgeon said the government has launched the community clinics for ensuring health services to the rural people, including men, women, mothers, pregnant women, babies and children.