Communal harmony is our tradition: President

President Abdul Hamid inaugurating natonl convention-2015 of the Central Khelaghar Asor at Shilpakala Academy in the city on Friday.
President Abdul Hamid inaugurating natonl convention-2015 of the Central Khelaghar Asor at Shilpakala Academy in the city on Friday.
UNB, Dhaka :
President Abdul Hamid on Friday stressed sowing the seeds of non-communal spirit, indigenous culture and the ethos of Liberation War among children, aiming to develop mutual respect, empathy, patriotism and affection in society.
“Communal harmony is our tradition. To cherish the valuable tradition, we have to sow the seeds of these values among the children,” he said.
The President said this while addressing the national conference 2015 of Kendriya Khelaghar Asor at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in the city.
Terming the children as hopes for the world and steersmen for the nation, Abdul Hamid said full flourishment of body and mind is needed to make children as worthy citizens.
“On one side, balanced diet and free air is needed for the nourishment of children and congenial atmosphere is needed for their mental flourishment on then other. I think that the environment might be developed by leaving blind faith, meanness, communalism and expanding scientific thinking and logical spirit,” he added.
Pointing at the children, the President said, “Once we had been citizens of a subjugated country. We neither had the freedom of speech nor freedom of expression. The practice of culture was also strictly limited.”
He went on saying, “But you (children) are free of it. Your freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of practising culture are constitutionally safeguarded.