Commercial trade fair on historical school ground defying ban

BARISHAL: Commercial trade fair on historical school ground under preparation at Barishal defying ban. This snap was taken yesterday.
BARISHAL: Commercial trade fair on historical school ground under preparation at Barishal defying ban. This snap was taken yesterday.
Barishal Correspondent :
A commercial trade fair has been under preparation on the playground of historical Brojo Muhon Institution (popularly known as B M School) violating govt. restrictions.
The month long exhibition of ‘handloom, cloth and cottage industry’ items would be inaugurated on September 1, 2018. After visiting the spot it on Saturday it was found that a drain digging the playground of the school was prepared and construction of at least 80 stall were going on full swing.
AL Imran one of the coordinator of fair organizing committee named as `Dakkhinancholio Shilpi Parishad’, said since last five years they organizing the fair at the same venue taking permission from school authority and Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
He also claimed that the fair would be organized at the back side of the institution on commercial basis and without any entertainment items. So it will not hamper normal educational activities of the school.
`We also paying taka 3.8 lakhs to the school fund for the development of the institution. Organizing committee excavating the drain for managing water logging on the ground and it would also be thoroughly filled up after ending the fair, he added.
Lutfar Rahman, headmaster of the school, said he joined in the school in 2013 and fair is holding there since last seven years taking approval from school managing committee.
`The lease-money collected from the fair organizing committee is used for the development activities of the school like construction of school gate, boundary wall, walk way, residence of the staff, repairing school building.
School managing committee permitted the fair on basis of the approval taken from Ministry of Commerce Industry, headmaster of the institution added.
`As the fair at the backside of the school would have no entertainment activities and only trade and business based, so normal educational curriculum would not be hampered, the headmaster assured.