Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed giving speech of chief guest at a press brief on Dhaka International Trade Fair-2017 and distribution of National Export Trophy in the city on Saturday. Senior Secretary of Commerce Ministry Hedayetullah Al Mamoon, ndc and Vice-Chairman of Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) Mafruha Sultana were present among others.

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed giving speech of chief guest at a press brief on Dhaka International Trade Fair-2017 and distribution of National Export Trophy in the city on Saturday. Senior Secretary of Commerce Ministry Hedayetullah Al Mamoon, ndc and V
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed giving speech of chief guest at a press brief on Dhaka International Trade Fair-2017 and distribution of National Export Trophy in the city on Saturday. Senior Secretary of Commerce Ministry Hedayetullah Al Mamoon, ndc and V

