Comilla Varsity female student hurt in blast

UNB, Comilla :
A female student of Comilla University suffered burn injuries as an ‘explosive substance’ blasted at her room at a rented house in South Salmanpur area of the city early Tuesday.
The injured student was identified as Fahmida Hasan Nisha, a second year student of the Economics Department of the university. Additional superintendent of Comilla police Abdullah Al Mamun said four female students of the university, including Fahmida, live in the rented apartment on the ground floor of a three-storey building at South Salmanpur. They moved to the apartment just four days back.
The explosive substance went off with a big bang at the room of Fahmida around 6am, leaving her severely injured. Police are yet to have any idea what type of explosive substance it was.
Fahmida was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).
Meanwhile, a team of the Detective Branch (DB) of police detained six students living in different apartments of the same building
for interrogation in this connection.
A team of bomb experts from Dhaka is on the way to Comilla for further inspection there, the ASP added.
Superintendent of Comilla police M Shah Abid Hossain visited the spot after the incident.