Comey calls GOP-led probe on Russia a ‘wreck,’ slams Trump’s credibility

Former FBI Director James Comey said he has "serious doubts" about Trump's credibility, including if he were to testify under oath.
Former FBI Director James Comey said he has "serious doubts" about Trump's credibility, including if he were to testify under oath.
HuffPost :
Former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday derided the Republican House Intelligence Committee’s report on meddling by Russia in the 2016 election as “a wreck,” while reaffirming his distrust of President Donald Trump.
The committee report released on Friday that found no evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow was slammed by Comey on NBC’s “Meet the Press” as merely “political” and self-harming.
“It wrecked the committee, and it damaged relationships with the [U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court], the intelligence communities,” he told NBC’s Chuck Todd of the assessment. “It’s just a wreck.”Comey, who led the investigation into possible collusion before his abrupt firing by Trump in May, said the report by the House committee, helmed by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), does not match what he knew before his ouster.
“That is not my understanding of what the facts were before I left the FBI, and I think the most important piece of work is the one the special counsel’s doing now,” Comey said.
Robert Mueller, Comey’s predecessor as the FBI director, heads the special counsel team created after Comey was fired. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, later disagreed with the “wreck” characterization of the panel’s report. But on CBS’ “Face the Nation” he also said that the probe is not as exhaustive as the one being conducted by the special counsel, which operates as part of the Department of Justice.
“The witnesses we talked to ? no one said that they had any evidence of collusion,” Gowdy said, while acknowledging that “executive branch investigations are just better than congressional ones” because “they get to use a grand jury” and have “investigative tools that we don’t have.”
Gowdy said he is awaiting the results of Mueller’s investigation. “So we found no evidence of collusion,” he said. “Whether or not it exists or not, I can’t speak to because I haven’t interviewed the full panoply of witnesses.”
Trump on Friday praised the House committee’s assessment, calling the ongoing Russia probe a “witch hunt” that’s part of “a big hoax by the Democrats.”
Former FBI Director James Comey is dismissing a House Intelligence Committee report that found no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Comey said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he considers the report, issued Friday by Republicans, to be a “political document.” He says the most important investigation is being done by special counsel Robert Mueller.
He says his understanding of the facts at the time of his firing last May don’t support President Donald Trump’s assertion that there’s zero evidence of collusion and that the Russia investigation is a hoax.
Comey says that though he had a “fine and professional” relationship with the committee’s chairman, GOP Rep. Devin Nunes, the panel’s work had become too politicized. Nunes was criticized for being too close to the White House.
