College teachers urged to perform duties sincerely


Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said the government was set to constitute an accreditation council to rate the public and private universities alongside a new commission with enhanced authority to monitor their academic activities.
“The council will introduce grading system of both public and private universities based on their standard of education,” he said this on Friday while speaking at a conference of principals of government colleges Dhaka and Mymensingh regions at Bangla Academy.
Nahid said a process to enact a law to constitute the accreditation council was now at its final stage.
On the other hand, the proposed Higher Education Commission (HEC) would replace the existing regulatory University Grants Commission (UGC) with enhanced authority to monitor higher education in universities.
National University Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Harun-or-Rashid chaired the function also joined by its treasurer Professor Noman Rashid.
Nahid urged principals and teachers of the colleges under national university to perform
their duties sincerely to boost the efforts of improving quality of higher education.
“We want to build our new generation with global standard education to make them competent citizens,” he said.
Nahid said despite resource constraints, the government took a number of milestone programmes to ensure universal access of all children to education.
