Commentary: Collective leadership of Muslim countries needed for Myanmar`s war against Rohingyas

There seems to be no end to Rohingya killing. Yet another onslaught in Rakhine caused 50000 more Rohingyas to take refuge in Bangladesh within last couple of days. Total number of Rohingya refugees has already crossed 10 lacs. Our country has already been burdened with so many interim problems. This problem is getting beyond our control. Something must be done immediately. The UN Security Council is about to meet on Thursday to discuss the violence in Myanmar and hear a briefing from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the crisis. Muslim countries should avail this opportunity and ask UN to take immediate action.
Bangladesh alone cannot solve the problem of military war against Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar government’s most inhuman acts must be forcefully placed before the international community and in particular to the Muslim countries.
Strong military cooperation of Muslim countries is needed to respond to the brutal army action in Myanmar. Myanmar thinks India and China are on its side and Bangladesh is too weak to respond effectively for a solution. Offer of bilateral talks by Myanmar with Bangladesh is a deceptive way for avoiding international pressure.
On the part of Bangladesh, government should not go for bilateral talks without specific proposal. Talks for talks sake is weakness.
Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia have taken firm stand against Myanmar and active internationally, unlike Bangladesh. Malaysia and Indonesia being members of ASEAN, have protested against Myanmar openly and immediately. Turkey is also quite helpful from the beginning. Turkish First Lady and Foreign Minister have already toured Bangladesh and saw the sufferings of Rohingyas before their own eyes. But countries like Turkey and Iran should take more bold steps. Arab countries also need to raise their voice over the Rohingya issue. Myanmar’s army has done the crime of genocide against Muslims. Without military preparation in cooperation with the Muslim countries, the international community will not come forward actively in aid of the Rohingya Muslims despite all their sympathy. It has to be internationalised.
Myanmar treats Bangladesh non-seriously knowing that Bangladesh has constraints with India and China supporting cleansing of Muslims in Rakhine State. Bangladesh sought help from India and China but their support, if any at all, will not be more than lip service.
The crisis created by Myanmar is extinction of the Rohingya Muslims denying them citizenship. Myanmar declared war and military preparedness of one form or the another is unavoidable for the Rohingya Muslims and Bangladesh. A war has been thrust on Bangladesh whether we admit it or not.
For any effective diplomacy backing by military power is essential to face a war situation. Bangladesh must be helped, because Bangladesh is in a desperate situation. Assurance from savage Myanmar is a lie. The Rohingyas have to return to their Rakhine State back as full citizens of Myanmar.
