Collection of ‘Golpata’ from Sundarbans permitted

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Permit for collection of Garan, one kind of less valued wood of Sundarban has been suspended for long 5 years. This restriction is still in force. As a result, Bawalis (wood and Golleaves cutters) who are dependent on forest resources were disappointed but after long time, the collection of ‘Golpata’ used for thatching houses was granted by Sundarban Forest Department, according to a source of the department.
The BLC of Bawalis for collection of ‘Golpata’ will be checked by the Forest Department on December 25.
It is reported that after completing all official formalities permit for collection of ‘Golpata’ was generally issued to the Bawalis within 30th November previously. By that time several thousand boats used to reach the forest for collection of ‘Golpata’ but due to the undue delayed issued of passes and permits in the current season Bawalis may be less interested to collect the ‘Golpata’ it is apprehended.
Bawalis opined that suspension of the collection of ;Garan’ wood without creating alternative profession for them they (Bawlis) are passing their days at present in a deplorable condition. They add that if the permission is not issued at all for collecting Garan wood they (Bawalis) and the concerned traders will be thrown into a great distress. In the last year many Bawlis were forced to sell their boats in order to refund the advanced money (Dadon/loan) borrowed form the traders and money lenders. This year a number of Bawlis also borrowed money from the money lenders with the hope of getting permit from the forest department for collection of Garan wood.
It is learnt from the forest department that huge quantities of Gol leaves an Garan wood are grown abundantly in some compartments of both Eastern and Western Divisions of Sundarban forest every year. If the Gol leaves are not cut down or collected within the scheduled time the old Gol leaves are automatically destroyed. After the removal of old Gol leaves from the Gol plants new leaves appear there. Considering the matter permission was given for collection of Gol leaves. But as there are controversial opinions over the Garan no order was issued for collection of Garan wood from the forest.
 It is learnt from the forest department that 6, 09,450 maunds Garan wood may be collected from 1,341 hectares of forest lands belonging to some 9 compartments under Chandpai forest range (as per the report of the range office) and 92,207 maunds Garan may be collected from 2,707 hectares of forest lands belonging to 8/12 B and 45 compartments of Sharankhola forest range (as per the survey report of the range office).in the Eastern Division of Sundarban forest.

 On the other hand, 58, 690 maunds Garan may be collected from 2,334 hectares of forest lands within No.17 compartment under Khulna range (as per the report of the range office) and 1,36,105 maunds of Garan wood may be collected from 1,856 hectares of forest lands belonging to No.50/1 compartment under Satkhira forest range (as per the report of the range office) in the Western Division of Sundarban forest.
A number of people of Southkhali Union under Sharankhola Upazila in Bagerhat district disclosed to the newsmen, in the last year press conferences and other programmes were held in various places of Sundarban region and in capital city Dhaka demanding the withdrawal of ban on the collection of Garan wood from Sundarban forest. But still the restriction for collection of Garan wood is in force. They urged the forest department to withdraw the restriction for the greater interest of those who leave on collecting forest resources.
Baschu Mir, Convener of ‘Banajibee Parishad (those who depend on collecting the forest resources)’ of Koira Upazila disclosed, we do not know the reason behind the restriction imposed on the collection of Garan wood by the forest department. He added, for that reason Government is loosing huge revenue every year.
