Cold wave to stay for two more days

Staff Reporter :
The prevailing cold wave sweeping through Bangladesh is likely to stay for two more days before another phase arrives in the middle of this month.
Met Office forecast says, the severe cold wave has stifled into a mild to moderate cold wave and that a severe cold wave is sweeping through Jessore-Kushtia region.
Arif Hossain, Met Officer of Bangladesh Meteorological Department, told media, on Wednesday lowest was recorded in Chuadanga at 5.5 degrees Celsius at Jessore, the minimum was 5.6 degrees.
Forecast also says, a mild to moderate cold wave is sweeping through Faridpur, Madaripur, Tangail, Srimangal, Sitakundu, Comilla and Feni.
In capital Dhaka today, the minimum temperature is expected to rise from what it was last night’s 10.7 degrees Celsius. Tonight, it is expected to be 12.1 degrees.
Throughout the country, moderate to thick fog may occur at places during mid night till morning, but it may continue till noon over northwestern part of the country.
Our Kurigram Correspondent adds: The cold wave has been paralyzing normal
life of the poor people in particular of the northern districts, including Kurigram for the last eight days.
The poor people as well as day labourers have been forced to stay in the rooms due to dense fog and cold wave in a great frustration. The children and old men suffered due to cold related diseases, including cough, asthma and respiratory tract infections.
 A total of 100 children have been admitted to Kurigram Sadar Hospital with pneumonia, and respiratory problems, diarrhoea and other diseases in last 24 hours, sources said.
Acting Residential Medical Officer (RMO) of Kurigram Sadar Hospital Dr.Jahanger Alam told The New Nation that A total of 200 patients had been admitted to the hospital during the period. Most of them were children.
The lowest temperature was 7.3 degree Celsius in Kurigram on Wednesday.
The river side people are the worst sufferers. The cold hit people are warming themselves firing straw, wastage wood and others in the morning and evening.
 The domestic animals are also suffering much. On the other hand, the second hand cloth traders are doing brisk business.
However the prices of all the items are higher than the last year’s, he added. Kurigram Deputy Commissioner Abu Saleh Mohammad Ferdous Khan told that 57 thousand blankets have been distributed among poor and cold hit persons with the help of nine Upazila UNOs.