Cold victims need warm clothes in Sirajganj

Selim Reza , Sirajgonj :
Unprecedented cold wave during the last few days has almost halted normal life in Sirajgonj town.
Severe cold wind coming from the Himalayas has made live of the dwellers, specially the homeless people of this small town miserable.
At least 12 people died here due to cold wave who had been attacked with various cold related diseases. Intensity of cold worsens after mid-day and turns extremely unbearable in the evening.
 Everyday, fog clouds the town until 8 to 9 am and vehicles ply in the streets with their headlights still on. Although the sun appears for a while around 10 am, but it soon disappears to the dismay of the dwellers. Last Monday morning drizzles made things even more worse. Destitute are trying to combat this bitter wave through heat generated from burning heaps of straws and old rubber tires. On the other hand second hand warm cloth’s sellers are making best use of this situation are earning handsomely by raising the pries two and even three times. Disease like fever, cough, cold and dysentery have also alarmingly increased. The only government hospital is crowded with bronchitis and a asthma patients. But the hospital is short of oxygen and do not have the “lobolizer machine.” As a result distress and sufferings of the patients know no bounds. The owners medicine pharmacies also making good use of this abnormal situation have doubled prices of life saving “salbutamol inhalers.”
Severeness of the cold in this small district town situated near the Jamuna River side is usually bitter than other areas of the country. Cultivation of winter crops, particularly potato is facing damage from this unnatural coldness.
Although some voluntary organisations have come forward with warm clothing for the destitute, but this is extremely merger compared to requirements. Authoritative sources believe unless the government and the rich section of the country come forward with arrangement for distribution of sufficient warm clothes for the homeless people in this area, possibility of loss of life from this bitter and severe cold may not be ignored.
People here are crowding winter garment shops. Sellers display varieties of warm cloths in shops. Many vendors are also selling garments including old ones, on footpaths and in public places. A large number of make -shift shops have also sprung up in SS Road, Jam-e Mosque area, Bazar station road area, court premises area Bahirgola area. But prices are comparatively high this year, local residents said. ” People of low-income group are flocking shops which sell old warm garments” said Abdul Baten and Rashid a resident in the district headquarters.