Cocktail blasts in DU: Don’t expect police power is enough

Again a cocktail was exploded in front of Madhur Canteen at Dhaka University on Sunday, but no casualty was reported. In another incident earlier on Thursday, three cocktails were exploded in the same area. What’s significant is that the incidents of explosion occurred when a tense situation has been prevailing in the campus following conflicts between Chhatra League backed Muktijoddha Moncha and Sadharan Chhatra Adhikar Sangrakkhan Parishad. DU Chhatra League instantly blamed the activists of Chhatra Dal, who were deprived of posts in the new committee, for the explosions. On the other hand, DU Proctor Prof Dr AKM Golam Rabbani said that a vested quarter that wants to gain political benefits and destabilise the campus might behind this.
Government favoured VCs are there to do politics of the government and cannot be trusted about the true crisis at public universities. They cannot see that they have made the universities training ground of dangerous criminals. Those who believe that police can protect the government without sensible politics are living in a fool’s paradise. They cannot see the danger coming and punishment awaiting. Police have not from a different country or a different race. They are part of the people.
Crises are political and solution lies in changing the politicised criminal process.