Coca-Cola celebrates World Environment Day


Business Desk :
As part of Coca-Cola’s global commitment to sustainability of resources, Coca-Cola Bangladesh celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June 2014. The company planned its celebrations around awareness building programs among school kids about conserving the environment for future.
“World Environment Day gives us the chance to reinforce our commitments towards protecting the environment. Coca-Cola Bangladesh has planned a number of activities to engage with stakeholders and the community to raise awareness on environmental issues and we hope that everyone joins us in our commitment to the environment.” said Shadab Khan, Country Manager, Coca-Cola Bangladesh.
On this year’s World Environment Day, Coca-Cola Bangladesh is working directly with a JAAGO school in Dhaka, 16 schools in Gajipur under Coca-Cola Bangladesh’s sustainability campaign Support My Schools, and 7 schools under the Every Drop Matters (EDM) project in Chittagong, which is a school-led water, sanitation and hygiene initiative.
At the JAAGO School, there was a screening of a video showing Global Warming on the 5th of June followed by discussion about the causes behind global warming and an art competition among students under the environment theme.
On the same day in Chittagong,7 schools under Coca-Cola’s EDM project, observed the day by running Campaign on hygiene safe water and sanitation around the schools, and held cultural program to promote environmental awareness.
The 16 schools under Coca-Cola Bangladesh’s SMS campaign will do a number of fun activities starting from the 8th and continuing till the 12th of June. Grades 1 and 2 will have an art competition, while grades 3 and 4 will have a quiz competition, with grade 5 challenging in an essay competition. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will also play friendly football matches. Plan Bangladesh the SMS partner for Coca-Cola Bangladesh are carrying this programs in the particular schools. This is to be noted that around 1400 students from JAAGO school, 6510 students from SMS schools and 6429 students from EDM project schools will be engaged in all these activities.
The Coca-Cola Company has a world-wide commitment to sustainability. As part of this commitment, The Company partners with local and international organizations for various programs relating to water stewardship, climate protection, and promoting healthy active lifestyles. Coca-Cola Bangladesh has been actively involved in supporting environment causes over the years in Bangladesh.
