HSC exam: Coaching centres to remain shut till May 13


Staff Reporter :
The Education Ministry has decided to close coaching centres from Thursday. The decision has been taken to prevent question paper leak in the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination.
The coaching centers’ HSC examinations related activities will remain closed until the end of Higher Secondary Certificates examinations, an official of the Ministry wishing not to be named told the media.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid will brief media in this regard tomorrow, he said.
The decisions include ban on carrying mobile phones at the examination centers and on the use of smartphone and other electronic devices in a 200-metre radius of centers.
“The question papers for the first time will be wrapped up with a security tape, which will prevent any third party opening the question papers and again seal it,” he said.
The sets of the question papers will be fixed by lottery 25 minutes prior to the tests to check question-paper leak. The Dhaka Board will arrange the lottery to select the question paper sets. Like Secondary School Certificate (SSC), the HSC examinees have also been asked to enter the examination centres 30 minutes before the start of respective examination.
The HSC and equivalent examinations of this year are scheduled to be held between April 2 and May 13.
