Readers' Forum: Cloud over WC Football!


The angry demonstrators demanding more investment in health, education and power sectors threatened of collapsing the 20th edition of the World Cup Football set to begin on June 23, 2014. They have said that the government has spent lavishly for building stadiums instead of giving attention to them and their children. They say that the staging of football is a luxurious act in a developing country like Brazil.
In December last year, the Federation of International Football de Associations (FIFA) hinted of shifting the venue to a European country, preferably England, which had every capacity to stage the competition in six months notice. But now the time is over and there is no second option than staging it in Brazil.
The question is what will happen if Brazil fail to regain the cup after 12 years? The answer is simple. The government will be compelled to resign in the face of fierce demonstration and the fate of 2016 World Olympics will be in jeopardy.
The European countries and the USA being rich in infrastructure face little problem. The USA held 1994 World Cup Football. The organisers visited the baseball and the American football fields, picked up as per requirement and them transformed those into soccer grounds. The facility is absence in a third world country and as such it requires a huge investment. The discontent lies there. In future, the FIFA should consider the financial condition of the country desiring to host the World Cup.

A. Rashid