Clinical waste management hygienically underscored

City Desk :
Health experts at a participatory discussion unanimously called for bringing all the clinical wastes under hygienic management to protect the environment from pollution and contamination. They also observed that management of the clinical wastes is very important for establishing an eco-friendly atmosphere in all the hospitals, diagnostic centres and clinics.
The observation came at a daylong workshop titled “Medical Waste Management (out house management) with Government approved committee under Rajshahi Division/City Corporation” at conference hall of Rajshahi city bhaban on Thursday.
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) jointly organized the workshop. DGHS Director Dr Belal Hossain and Divisional Director of Health Services Dr Gopendra NathAcharya addressed the workshop as chief and special guests respectively with RCC Secretary Abu Hayat Rahmatullah in the chair. Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Munir Hossain, Civil Surgeon Dr Enamul Haque, Vice Principal of Rajshahi Medical College Professor Dr Bulbul Hossain and local unit President of Private Medical Practitioners Association Dr Abdul Mannan also spoke.
Dr Belal Hossain said clinical waste management is the precondition to ensure overall cleanliness in the hospital, reduce health risks of the service providers and to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases. In his remarks, Dr Abdul Mannan said there are more than 200 diagnostic centres, clinics and hospitals only in the city producing around three to four tonnes of waste every day and the huge wastes are being dumped in the open places indiscriminately posing a serious threat to the public health as well as other wildlife.
There is an insinuator in the compound of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH) in order to dispose of its waste but it remained non-functional for over last one year. Currently, the RMCH is burning out its wastes in an open place which isn’t safe and hygienic. In all aspects, there is no any modern medical waste management plant in the city. Whereas, there are tough laws against frequent and unhygienic disposal of the wastes, Dr Mannan added.
He, however, said the upcoming plant will contribute a lot towards hygienic management and disposal of the medical waste in the city. Abu Hayat Rahmatullah told the meeting that a clinical waste management plant is being established in Rajshahi city aimed at bringing all the wastes including the risky and harmful ones produced in both public and private clinics, diagnostics and hospitals under proper and hygienic management and disposal.
The RCC and Prism Foundation are jointly implementing the project on more than one bigha of land at Naodapara area.
Lion portion of the infrastructural development works have already been completed and the plant is expected to go into functioning after installation of requisite machineries and instruments within the near future. The plant will operate a covered van for collecting wastes from the existing clinics and hospitals regularly. Afterwards, those will be destroyed through categorically segregations.
Hayat Rahmatullah said the wastes will be destroyed in six modern and standard methods including insinuation, autoclave, chemical disinfection, slather, washing and dumping of the severed parts of the human body through the plant.
