Symbolic coffin rally held: Climate justice against environment pollution to prevent natural calamities demanded

Barisal Correspondent :
Amid increasing threats of climate change, rally carrying symbolic coffin was held yesterday demanding for preventing natural calamities by changing system, not the climate to ensure ‘climate justice’ against environment pollution. Participants presenting 11-point demands called to confront the ‘climate change issues’ as one of the biggest threats against human rights and justice in upcoming ‘climate conference of United Nation.
 The programme was organised at the central shahid minar of the city from 10:00-11:00 am to observe ‘climate justice week’ by Sachetan Nagorik Committee (Sanak) of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), Prantojon, Upokulio Jibonjatra O Poribesh Karmojoot, development organisations. Nurjahan Begun, president Barisal Sanak, presided over the programme.
Among others Shuvangkar Chakraborty, Akkas Hossain, Moazzem Husain, Dr. Syed Habibur Rahman, Enayet Hossain Chowdhury, B R Khan, Shah Sajeda, Ranjit Datta, Kader Khan, Monir Hossain, Lincon Bayen, Rafikul Islam, S M Shahjada, Sukumar Mitra, climate justice activists, addressed the rally. Participants of the programme also carried different banners, placards, festoons symbolising the impact of climate change on the 15 million people of riverine southern and coastal region.
 The speakers said global warming has been threatening all human rights and security which are designed to prevent destruction of life, health, education, property, livelihood, culture, means of subsistence, residence, movement, migration etc.
The speakers blaming developed and rich countries for cheating said the legitimate rights of climate refugees must be recognized. We do not want any pity, but want justice and justified share of climate change fund without intervention of any foreign power or organization.
Helping and rehabilitating climate-refugees was a must for any action plan as it was the life and death questions of the affected people and region, who became homeless, landless, ultra poor within a short time due to climate change, they emphasized.
They presenting the regional issues affected by global climate change said any adaptation plan in the region must be sustainable, eco-friendly, helpful for maintaining bio-diversity, not as like as prescribed by the foreign donors or consultants.
Cyclone, storm, flood, water logging, drought and desertification process, earthquake, river siltation and erosion, sea level rise, unusual changes in weather , changing bio-diversity and ecological balance constitutes a devastating hazard.
Various diseases and inability to live and sustain lives, forced displacements or migrations of tens and thousands of people through out this country due to effects and threats from climate change in Bangladesh as the coping capacity remains limited due to the relatively poor physical infrastructure, the participants observed.
It also connected with a range of issues, including impact on agriculture, rivers, forests, coastal areas, health, as well as national security and justice in Bangladesh, they said.
