Readers' Forum: Climate change sceptics!

Unfortunately many scientists are even not ready to believe the threat due to climate change is real? Some rejects the fact while others are skeptical. But in reality the effect of climate change is prominently evident in our environment, the temperature has increased due to climate change and sea water level is rising, the incidence of cyclone, tidal surge, flood and drought etc. significantly increased.
Recently Britain’s Prince Charles who is known for his strong views on environmental matters during an award ceremony at Buckingham Palace for green entrepreneurs bitterly criticized the climate change sceptics saying they are ignoring overwhelming scientific evidence. How true that climate change is not a theoretical matter but it’s a scientifically proven fact.
I strongly call upon those climate change sceptics to come to the reality and join majority people in controlling/reducing the man-made elements causing rapid climate changes creating havoc and disasters.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
Department of Agricultural Extension & 
Information System,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University,